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  General conditions of consulting
for a company CEO
 The work of the consultant is an advisory service covered by a temporary work contract.

The consultant take no part in the operational décisions of the contracting company and cannot be held responsible of the use that the company make of his work.

The informations collected on the Internet contains a part of desinformation; the contracting company  is sole responsible of the use made of this data for taking the decisions for the management of the company.

The contracting company is in charge of taking all the necessary precautions to protect its own data and/or  software against contamination  by viruses possibly circulating on the Internet network.

Data available on the Internet may be protected in terms of use or property rights, the contracting company is sole responsible of the use of data that it accesses, stores and transports on the Internet.

The community of Internet users have developped a code of good behaviour that the contracting company declares to know well and commits itself to comply with and make compulsory for its employees.

The hardware connected to the Internet in the contracting company are under its entire responsability and consequently the consultant bears no responsability on any damage due to the connection of this hardware to the Internet.

Consequently the contracting company declares to abandon any claim against the consultant and clear him of all responsability related to one or several facts or events mentioned above.